Business valuations

Business Valuations in Contested Divorces in Tampa Bay

In the case of high net worth divorces and contested divorces where one or both divorcing spouses are business owners, a business valuation is necessary to determine equitable distribution.

What is a Business Valuation?

A business valuation is the process of determining the economic value of a business.  It provides business owners an objective estimate of the value of their business or businesses. As it pertains to contested divorces in Tampa Bay, divorce lawyers will work with forensic accountants and business valuation experts who will utilize certain methods for valuing a business.

When a contested divorce requires a business valuation, each party will likely have their own experts.  Depending on the case and parties involved, business valuations from each side may end up being be at odds with the other. An accurate business appraisal is always the desired goal . But, in cases where the valuations greatly differ, your divorce attorney’s negotiation and litigation skills become paramount in a settlement that is in your best interest.

Tampa Bay divorce attorneys, Nilo J Sanchez

Protecting Your Assets in a Divorce Settlement

Divorcing in Tampa Bay & Your Assets You’ve worked hard all of your life and it is our job to ensure that your net worth and assets are protected and your divorce settlement is fair and in accordance with Florida Law. As veteran Tampa divorce attorneys, for over 30 years Nilo J Sanchez & Associates have developed the skill, reputation and experience you’ll need when it comes to equitable distribution and other applicable financial matters that must be resolved. These…

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Business valuations divorce attorneys Tampa Bay

Business Valuations and Why You Need Them

Business Valuations and Divorcing in Florida If you’re divorcing in Florida and you are concerned about the process of asset and property division, particularly how it will apply to a business, the first step you should make is to seek legal counsel and representation. Higher net worth couples, particularly business owners, will want to ensure that their assets are accurately represented and protected prior to dividing those assets. At the law firm of Nilo J Sanchez & Associates, we have…

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