Parental Rights Attorneys

Parental Rights Attorneys, Tampa Bay

father's rights lawyer, parental rights, Tampa Bay child custody attorneys

We represent parents who believe their parental rights are being violated. We also are committed to protecting your parental rights when we are representing you in a contested divorce or child custody matter. There are several ways that your child’s parent can attempt to violate or violate your parental rights. Examples of this include, but are not limited to:

Parental Alienation

Withholding of court ordered timesharing

Neglecting scheduled timesharing

Failing to pay child support

In this case, you will likely need to seek relief from the courts. Every divorce and child custody case is unique. Consulting with a Tampa child custody lawyer is the first best step to resolve in high conflict divorce or child custody matters.

Paternity Actions

It is important for parents to understand your rights and your responsibilities if a paternity action is filed. There are numerous factors that the courts will take into consideration in paternity and divorce cases where time-share (custody) is in question, including, but not limited to:

  • History of domestic violence
  • History of unfounded accusations of abuse
  • Father or mother’s relationship with the minor child
  • Financial stability
  • Substance abuse
  • Criminal history
  • Best Interest of Child



Nilo J Sanchez & Associates PA Family Law & Divorce Attorneys – If you’re experiencing a high conflict family law matter and would like to consult with a seasoned child custody lawyer in Hillsborough, Pasco or Pinellas County, please call (813) 879-4600 or send us a secure message below to request a consultation.



    child custody attorneys near me Tampa, parental rights attorneys